Sunday, April 20, 2008

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (PlayStation 2)

I have a confession to make: I was completely out of the loop in regards to video games from about 1999 to 2004. I blame the Nintendo 64; I was such a Nintendo fanboy that I had to have it. Shame it only ever ended up having two or three good games. So the original PlayStation passed me by. The first Resident Evil game I ever played was the GameCube remake, which I liked quite a bit. Then I played Resident Evil Zero, which was okay, although nothing great. Resident Evil 4 kicked my ass across the room for a couple weekends before I gave up on it.

Then there’s this game. I should know better than to purchase anything from GameStop’s “Under $10!” bins. That has never been, is not, and will never be an indication of quality. In Code Veronica X, you play Claire Redfield, who’s looking for her missing brother, and of course she gets sent to an island prison run by the Umbrella Corporation, who must have one hell of a lot of lobbyists in K Street to cover for all the bad shit they do.

The problem with this game compared to the remakes is the weapons. You start out with a knife. A knife. The most useless zombie-fighting weapon ever made. You pick up a handgun in the first ten minutes or so of the game, but you might as well be given a slingshot for all the zombie-slaughtering firepower it has. It takes upwards of 7-10 shots to take down one garden-variety zombie. You eventually pick up other weapons, but the ammo for them is so hard to find that you’ll be resorting to trying to run through the crowds of zombies that magically appear even after you’ve cleared a room. (Yeah, I know zombies show up after a while again in the other RE games, but not to the ridiculous level this one does.)

I gave up on this game about the time the big nasty creatures with the ridiculously-long single arm started showing up on nearly every screen -- the ones that can hit you clear across the room despite you pouring slugs of hot lead into their bodies. This game is frustrating, long, boring, and generally not worth your $8.

1 out of 5


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